Writing Tutorials

Getting feedback on your writing is an important part of the writing process. To that end, you are required to have four writing tutorials (one for each major essay) at UAF this semester. You can do a tutorial at one of the Academic Support Centers on campus. You can do the tutorial for any stage of the writing process.

NOTE:  Because you are required to do four tutorials this semester, I highly recommend that you schedule your appointments in advance. Inability to get an appointment because you failed to schedule in advance is not an excuse for missing the assignment.

Submitting the Assignment

To prove that you have completed the tutorial, please fill out the “Stice Writing Center Form” in full. By “in full” I mean that I want you to provide detailed answers to ALL of the questions on the form. The form is attached at the bottom of this page as a PDF. You can either fill it out using Adobe Acrobat or download it, print it, and then upload a photo of it to our course Blackboard site. You should fill out a new form for each tutorial. Please be aware that the Writing Center will send me a list of students who completed tutorials at the end of the semester. If you have submitted a tutorial form under false pretenses, you will receive a “0” for that assignment.  

Grading Criteria

Your grade will be determined by two factors:

  1. Whether your document is submitted correctly and on time.
  2. How robustly the questions are answered. I am looking for thoughtful rather than simple responses to the questions. You should try to write at least a paragraph in response to each question.  

Please note that the Writing Center will send me attendance information at the end of the semester. If your name does not appear on their list, you will not get credit for your visit, even if you were previously awarded a grade.  

UAF Writing Center


The Writing Center offers students free tutoring in any and all aspects of the writing process. Its  (PC—compatible only) computer lab is convenient and student-friendly. You are encouraged to  use the Writing Center often; it’s there as a service for you.  They also provide phone tutorials!  Remember, though, that the tutors are teaching you writing skills, not simply editing your work.

If you would like a telephone session call the Writing Center for an appointment and then e-mail ( uaf-writing-center@alaska.edu ) or fax (1-800-478-5246) your paper to us the day of your appointment—by 5:00 pm for an evening session and 12:00 pm for a Sunday afternoon session.

Regular Fall/Spring Semester Hours:

Monday — Thursday:  10:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. /  7:00 p.m. — 10:00 p.m.

Friday:  10:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m.

Sunday:  1:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.

CTC Writing Center

You may also do a writing tutorial at CTC. They also offer online tutorials.  Contact Jennifer Tilbury at 907-455-2860 or  jltilbury@alaska.eduto schedule your session.

Regular Fall/Spring Semester Hours:

Monday & Wednesday:  1:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m.

Tuesday & Thursday:  2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

Saturday:  1:00-4:00

Sunday:  2:00-5:00

Download (PDF, 37KB)