Social Media Policy

For this exercise, I’ll be discussing Coca-cola’s social media policy and how it’s format and quality effects the company’s business online. First of all, I’d like to comment on how straightforward the document advises it’s employees to behave in the media. The policy made it very clear that in order to be an official representative for the company, one needs to complete a social media class taught by the company itself. Also, they ask their employees not to respond to any negative posts or comments online, and that they should leave it up to the market spokesperson to address. All employees are encouraged to report any negative posts or comments online and use their best judgement for the company when a situation arises in the moment. This policy proved to be clear and comprehensive.


As to addressing the reason why the policy is in effect, Coca-cola made it clear that this policy was put in place for the companies well-being. They believe that it is up to all employees from the interns to the CEO, to make sure the company’s image is taken care of so the business will succeed in making a profit. Also, the company puts responsibility of the individuals who are representing the company online if something goes wrong. If I were an employee, I believe that I can abide by the company’s social media policy. The policy is very clear and written in a way for all to understand.

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