Rise Proposal Progress Report

The overall progress of my Paper 4 is coming along smoothly. I feel that I am right on track to complete my project by the deadline. I am discussing the incorporation of additional solar panels here at UAF. The need for alternative energy across the globe is becoming a hot topic, and there is no reason not to move towards renewable energy here at UAF. As far as personal experience goes within the process for grant writing, I have none. I am eager to get into grant writing later on in my career, so I feel that this project shall prove to be very beneficial. Thus far, I have completed estimating the cost for my proposal as well as providing sufficient information to support my argument for additional solar panels. Additional steps I have completed are the Project Summary as well as the Implementation Plan.

The only issue I see myself with right now is orchestrating a presentation to go along with it. As we are all coming down to finals, the level of sleep for most students seems to diminish and I certainly see myself undergoing similar circumstances. I have yet to even begin with my presentation on my grant, so that is something that I need to get a start on. In regards to my timetable, I plan to begin planning my presentation portion of the project by early next week.

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